Learning post-representational mapping from professional cartography


  • Heather J. Miles School of Education, Environment and Development, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


There is a sustained distancing of the discipline of geography from academic and professional cartography. Countering this geography-cartography separation, this article presents some of the findings from an ethnographic exploration with two professional cartographers, Molly O’Halloran and Daniel Huffman. The study highlighted the personal, as well as the processual and post-representational value of O’Halloran’s and Huffman’s map-making. Furthermore, O’Halloran’s and Huffman’s mapping practices can be described as postdigital: they both interweave digital and analogue techniques, expanding the application of the digital in mapping beyond for example geographic information systems (GIS), geovisualisation and virtual reality (VR). The affordances of postdigital mapping approaches for engaging research participants/collaborators and aiding exploration in the context of empirical geography research could be fruitfully further explored.


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Mapping societies (ed. by Laura Lo Presti and Matteo Marconi)