Multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis. GIS modelling for areas exposed to high volcanic risk


  • Cristiano Pesaresi Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Davide Pavia Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy


This paper – focussed on the province of Naples, where many municipalities with a huge demographic andbuilding density are subject to high volcanic risk owing to the presence of the Campi Flegrei (PhlegreanFields) caldera and the Somma-Vesuvius complex – highlights the methodological-applicative steps leadingto the setting up of a multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis.From the operational point of view, the research led to the: (1) digitalisation, georeferencing and comparisonof cartographies of different periods of time and recent satellite images; (2) elaboration and publicationof a multilayer Story Map; (3) accurate vectorisation of the data of the buildings, for each period of timeconsidered, and the use of kernel density in 2D and 3D; (4) application of the extrusion techniques to thephysical aspects and anthropic structures; (5) production of 4D animations and film clips for each period oftime considered. A procedure is thus tested made up of preparatory sequences, leading to a GIS modellingaimed at highlighting and quantifying significant problem areas and high exposure situations and at reconstructingthe phases which in time have brought about an intense and widespread growth process of the artificialsurfaces, considerably altering the features of the landscape and noticeably showing up the risk values.In a context characterised by land use conflicts and anomalous conditions of anthropic congestion, adiagnostic approach through images in 2D, 3D and 4D is used, with the aim to support the prevention andplanning of emergencies, process damage scenarios and identify the main intervention orders, raise awarenessand educate to risk, making an impact on the collective imagination through the enhancement of specificgeotechnological functionalities of great didactic interest.


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