Green logistics and new challenges of sustainability: a conceptual framework


  • Elisa Piva Department of Business and Economic Studies, University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy


Green logistics has become a very relevant topic for geographers in recent years as the exponential growth of goods flows at a global level has raised the issue of the sustainability of the logistics process. Therefore, more sustainable management of logistics activities has turned into a priority both for companies and geographical areas involved. The literature on green logistics mainly proposes studies on the sustainability of transport in terms of reducing CO2 emissions. On the other hand, there are still few studies that highlight the different variables that make up the complex logistical process and that can have an influence on the sustainability of logistics activities. This study aims to identify at a conceptual level the areas of intervention and the key indicators that enable the analysis of the sustainability of logistics activities in all its parts through the use of an integrative literature review method. The intent is to provide a conceptual framework that can be applied by scholars and practitioners in empirical studies that can be carried out in different companies and geographical areas. The results highlighted in this conceptual analysis are also suitable for educational purposes.


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