Traditional and Innovative Tools in Teaching of Geography: A Case Study


  • Nunziata Messina Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche, University of Messina, Messina, Italy


Geography is a discipline particularly suitable for the development and construction of knowledge common to several disciplines; in fact, through the use of many tools, which are based on the use and multiplicity of languages, the pupil builds his own “baggage” of knowledge through a conscious and critical approach. The introduction of technologies in the training courses is essential as it leads the student to learn interactively and Geography lends itself perfectly to this type of approach, as through computer resources it becomes a strategic discipline for teaching. The use of new tools leads the student to simulation experiences, virtual manipulations and graphic representations for a greater assimilation of geographic content. This article is intended to be a contribution in trying to identify the traditional and innovative tools used in teaching Geography. The results obtained, through the administration of a questionnaire to teachers belonging to schools of all levels in Sicily, showed that the use of geotechnology is still not widespread in teaching today, and therefore the future goal will be to involve teachers in an active training in the use of innovative tools that allow a new approach to Geography by students through GIS.


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Geographical notes and (practical) considerations