The Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap: an inclusive didactic tool


  • Valentina Erminia Albanese Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, University of Insubria, Como, Italy
  • Giulia Rossetti Business School, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England


This paper discusses the plan to create an inclusive didactic tool: the Irish Colonial Landscape DigitalStoryMap that focuses on colonial landscapes in Irish visitor attractions. The inclusive StoryMap will beco-created by three groups of students: Italian secondary school, Irish secondary school, and Irishuniversity students. All the students will work together to create the content. The university students willalso perform mentoring activities, by observing and providing recommendations on the work of thesecondary school students. Thus, the creation of the StoryMap will foster inclusivity between internationalstudents, with different age groups. It will be an inclusive educational tool that aims to developinternational collaboration, mentoring experience, research skills, and transferable skills. It will also fosterinclusivity to the students who will use it by fostering a decolonial attitude in dealing with the geographiesof colonisation. This paper explains the theoretical underpinnings of this inclusive Irish Colonial LandscapeDigital StoryMap and the planning process. Finally, the paper ends by discussing planned outcomes forboth the students involved in the creation of the StoryMap as well as the students who will use it.


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Geographical notes and (practical) considerations