Spatial inequalities of COVID-19 in Italy


  • Giuliano Bertazzoni Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche, Internistiche, Anestesiologiche e Cardiovascolari, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Margherita Ruggiero Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina d'emergenza-urgenza, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Beatrice Bertazzoni Master of Science in Economy, Risk and Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK


A critical analysis was conducted on data relating to the COVID 19 infection in Italy. Looking at the official figures in our country, regional differences make data comparison and interpretation quite challenging. Differing health policy strategies (hospital assistance vs. local health assistance, swab tests to very specific population groups vs. screening of larger groups) add another layer of complexity when comparing data. The different levels of susceptibility to the infection among Italian regions can be partially explained by analysing many factors. We have grouped such factors into two subject areas (Social policies and healthcare strategies; Climate and geography) and listed some of the causes that could have led to different levels of susceptibility to the infection. Reflection on and awareness of the mistakes made will allow us to prevent the re-occurrence of health protection inequalities.


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Health Education (edited by Corrado De Vito)