Didactic Applications of Social Networks – Essays in the 1st cycle in Geography at the University of Porto (UP)


  • Elsa Pacheco CITCEM, Department of Geography, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Laura Soares Department of Geography, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Antònio Costa University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Cristiana Martinha University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


The trivialization of the access to and use of new information and communication technology requires changes in the teaching-learning strategies in all education cycles, although running the risk of hindering the purposes of education. This is the starting idea of the didactic essay presented herein, which is in line with the learning theory of connectivism. The lab of this work focuses on the space of the university education, and, in particular, the Curricular Unit of “Land, Transport and Mobility”, within the 1st cycle in Geography of the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto. The methodological design is based on the literature revision for the collection of data on the students' habits regarding the use of the social networks. After recognizing the most popular social hub – Facebook – this platform was used as the means of communication, didactic resource development and assessment. Upon comparison with the “face-to-face” teaching methodologies, it was concluded that the use of this network was an important site to get closer to the daily lives of students, namely through the reinforcement of the significant elements of contents, motivation, participation, and school success.


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